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Report:Development of Chiral Polymersfor Efficient Separation ofEnantiomers by HPLC
Sep 18, 2018

报告题目: Development of Chiral Polymersfor Efficient Separation ofEnantiomers by HPLC

报 告 人:Prof. Yoshio Okamoto

Nagoya University, Japan



邀 请 人:董泽元教授


Yoshio Okamoto received his B.Sc. (1964) under Prof. Shunsuke Murahashi and Ph.D. (1969) under Prof. Heimei Yuki from Faculty of Science, Osaka University. In 1969, he joined Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University as Assistant Professor and spent 2 years (1970–72) at the University of Michigan with Prof. Charles G. Overberger as a postdoctoral fellow. In 1983, he was promoted to Associate Professor, and in 1990 he moved to Nagoya University as Professor. In 2004, he retired from Nagoya University with the title of Professor Emeritus and was appointed as Guest Professor of Eco Topia Science Institute, Nagoya University until 2009. Since 2009, he has been Distinguished Invited University Professor of Nagoya University. He has also been appointed as Chair Professor of Harbin Engineering University in China since 2007. His research interests include stereocontrol in polymerization reaction, asymmetric polymerization, optically active polymers and enantioseparation by HPLC.

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