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Ni An
Assistant Professor
Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Healable, recyclable and mechanically strong polymeric materials and their applications
Contact Information
Email    anni@jlu.edu.cn
Office     B516 Supramolecular building               
Lab        B408 Supramolecular building
Short Biography
Ni An, obtained a Bachelor's degree from Jilin University in 2016 , received her Ph.D. in Polymeric Chemistry and Physics in 2021 from Jilin University under the supervision of Prof. Junqi Sun. She was selected for the "Dingxin Scholar" support program at Jilin University in 2022. In 2024, She served as an assistant professor in the State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, School of Chemistry, Jilin University.
Research Interest
Healable, recyclable and mechanically strong polymeric materials, nanofiller reinforcement polymeric complexes materials
Honors & Awards

1. Ni An, Youliang Zhu, Xiaohan Wang, Yixuan Li, Junjun Liu, Xu Fang, Zhongyuan Lu, Bai Yang and Junqi Sun *, Dual Nanofillers-Reinforced Noncovalently Cross-Linked Polymeric Composites with Unprecedented Mechanical Strength, CCS Chemistry, 2023, 5(10), 2312–2323.
2. Ni An, Xiaohan Wang, Yixuan Li, Ling Zhang, Zhongyuan Lu, and Junqi Sun*, Healable and Mechanically Super-Strong Polymeric Composites Derived from Hydrogen-Bonded Polymeric Complexes , Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(41), 1904882

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