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Xu Fang
Assistant Professor
Polymeric Chemistry and Physics
Self-healing, recyclable and degradable polymer materials: degradable plastics, high-strength hydrogels
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Contact Information
Email    fang_xu@jlu.edu.cn
Office     B516 Supramolecular building
Lab        B408 Supramolecular building
Short Biography
Xu Fang received his Ph.D. in Polymeric Chemistry and Physics in 2020 from Jilin University under the supervision of Prof. Junqi Sun. Then, he conducted postdoctoral research at State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials of Jilin University. In Jan. 2024, he joined the faculty of Jilin University.
Research Interest
Self-healing, recyclable and degradable polymer materials: degradable plastics, high-strength hydrogel.
Honors & Awards

(1) Xu Fang; Nengan Tian; Wenyuan Hu; Yunan Qing; Hao Wang; Xin Gao; Yanguo Qin; Junqi Sun*, Dynamically Cross-Linking Soybean Oil and Low-Molecular-Weight Polylactic Acid toward Mechanically Robust, Degradable, and Recyclable Supramolecular Plastics, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(46): 2208623.
(2) Xu Fang; Yunan Qing; Yan Lou; Xin Gao; Hao Wang; Xingyue Wang; Yixuan Li; Yanguo Qin;Junqi Sun*, Degradable, Recyclable, Water-Resistant, and Eco-Friendly Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Supramolecular Plastics, ACS Materials Letters, 2022, 4(6): 1132.
(3) Xingyue Wang1; Xu Fang1; Xin Gao; Hao Wang; Shihuai Li; Chen Li; Yunan Qing; Yanguo Qin*, Strong adhesive and drug-loaded hydrogels for enhancing bone-implant interface fixation and anti-infection properties, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 219: 112817-112817.
(4) Xu Fang; Yixuan Li; Xiang Li; Wenmo Liu; Xianghui Yu; Fei Yan; Junqi Sun*, Dynamic Hydrophobic Domains Enable the Fabrication of Mechanically Robust and Highly Elastic Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Hydrogels with Excellent Self-Healing Ability, ACS Materials Letters, 2020, 2(7): 764.
(5) Xu Fang; Junqi Sun*, One-Step Synthesis of Healable Weak-Polyelectrolyte-Based Hydrogels with High Mechanical Strength, Toughness, and Excellent Self-Recovery, ACS Macro Letters, 2019, 8(5): 500-505.

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