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信息来源:超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室      发布时间:2019-05-15

报告题目:Understanding Nanoconfinement and Interfaces in Polymer

                 Materials via Predictive Multiscale Modeling

报 告 人:夏文杰 助理教授






Natural and engineered structural (load-bearing) composites often achieve remarkable mechanical performance by confining their microphases in smaller dimensions. However, understanding and predicting their thermomechanical properties are very challenging due to their complex hierarchical microstructures and interfaces within the systems. In this talk, I will present a multi-scale computational paradigm for understanding these complex phenomena occurring in nanocomposite materials. I will first present scale-bridging computational techniques, namely the coarse-grained modeling approach, for simulating polymer and 2D materials at extended time and length scales. Following this, I will discuss several cases where the coupling between nanoconfinement and interface leads to intriguing phenomena as observed in polymer nanostructured materials. I will describe how nanoconfinement could be utilized to achieve high strength and toughness in layered nanocomposite through bio-inspiration. Drawing an analogy between thin films and nanocomposites, I will illustrate how understanding thin film can help us design better load-bearing composites using renewable materials, such as nanocellulose.


夏文杰,目前就职于美国北达科他州立大学(North Dakota State University)土木与环境工程系担任助理教授。同时于美国商务部下属的国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology)任客座研究员并参与美国材料基因计划。夏教授于2016年博士毕业于美国西北大学土木与环境工程系,2011年本科毕业于美国凯斯西储大学。从事的研究方向为多尺度模拟及机器学习在高分子及纳米仿生复合材料中的应用。目前已发表超过27篇期刊论文,其中以第一及通讯作者身份发表包括Science Advances, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Macromolecules在内的20篇期刊论文。曾获美国西北大学“Walter Murphy奖学金,美国材料基因计划(Materials Genome Initiative)奖学金, 美国物理协会“Padden Award” 提名奖,第二届美国中西部材料结构力学论坛最佳论文奖,以及中国国家优秀留学生奖学金(2015)。

