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信息来源:吉林大学超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室      发布时间:2018-07-26

报告题目:What We have Learned from Topochemistry Studies Toward Grid-Level Energy Storage

报 告 人:纪秀磊 副教授




报告摘要:The mission of my research group is to identify the most promising battery chemistries, likely beyond the conventional wisdom, for next generation electrical grid energy storage. The energy sector of the world is in the midst of transforming the grid such that grid-scale battery storage will become indispensable; however, even at the level of fundamental research, the question of which chemical systems are viable for this application has not yet been settled. While the performance of batteries for mobile applications, from consumer electronics to electric vehicles, depend on energy density, the effectiveness of storage batteries depends on their levelized cost—dollars per kilowatt hours over the lifetime of the devices. This metric frees the research community from diminishing returns in pursuit of ever-higher energy density and opens up broad opportunities to explore novel redox chemistries. To discover new battery chemistries, a holistic approach should consider the electrode materials, the ion charge carriers, and the interactions between the electrode structures and the ions. In our research, we have pioneered in topochemistry of K+, H3O+ [1], NH4+ [2] and anions in some model electrode materials. What we learned is that one must play close attention to the chemical bonding between the ion charge carriers and the host electrodes for the design of the new battery chemistry. The field needs a roadmap in its grand search for the suitable storage chemistry for the sustainable future of humanity. Our time is better than ever before as a critical period, maybe very brief, to study the materials chemistry for energy storage.


2017 – Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University

2012–2017 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University

2010 – 2012 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara

Supervisor: Professor Galen D. Stucky

2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Waterloo

Supervisor: Professor Linda F. Nazar

2006 − 2009 Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry, University of Waterloo

Supervisor: Professor Linda F. Nazar

2004 − 2006 M.Sc. in Materials Chemistry, University of Waterloo

Supervisor: Professor Linda F. Nazar

1999 – 2003 B.Sc. in Chemistry, Jilin University

Supervisor: Professor Bai Yang